Available instore only.
Sometimes while we want to be our best, we also want to simplify. If you're in the market for a trainer you'll know what we mean. Trainers are the best tools for getting in shape efficiently, and maintaining your mileage even through the cold wet days.
While some trainers will have electronic bells and whistles, there is respect worth awarding the magnetic resistance training models to get the job done. Just hook your bike up and go.
You've got disk brakes? Purchase the additional that allows you to hook in any 700C wheel. The Minoura B60 will then even be compatible with your 700C commuter bike.
Power Unit
Advanced Magturbo … Powerful and Quiet Experience
- Single Neodymium magnet
- Quiet and smooth feel
- Generates 472 Watt power at 40 km/h (H range)
- 35% wider resistance range than standard Mag series
- 1.1 kgs virtual flywheel weight
- 7 resistance levels
- Quick release remote shifter
- Allows high-speed/low-resistance training
Optional Software
- Kinomap
Basic Steel Frame
- Lightweight steel frame for easy transportation
- Fits hub width between 125 – 145mm
- Standard thread type hub clamp
- 29mm diameter leg